Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One week

Only one week to go until it's my last day of work and the adventure begins. It feels like the week is going by at the speed of a flock of mall-walkers.

Eye on the prize!

This past weekend was my last weekend living in New York city. A couple of friends were up from Baltimore so I spent most of my time with them. Friday I got out of work at 1:00 and proceeded to drink until 3:00 in the morning. Saturday I woke up and was reminded why I gave up drinking all those times. Sack of bricks, meet my stomach. But because it was my last weekend here, I soldiered through it and went out again that night. We were all home and exhausted by 1:00, lamenting about how old we'd gotten. Appreciate the carefree drinking of your youth, kids. It's temporary.

Sunday I met my friend Cara's newborn baby Rogan. I love newborns; they're just so tiny and innocent (and don't talk back). By the time I left her place I was overflowing with the desire to to settle down and start a farm of babies. Luckily, a marathon of 16 and pregnant was on which quickly counteracted any maternal urges I was experiencing. 27 hours of labor?! How do you not give the kid dirty looks for the rest of it's life?

All in all, it was a great weekend. I saw old friends, I realized (again) why alcohol is the devil, I held new life in my arms, and I realized the importance of refilling my birth control. And 10 lbs later, my mind is clear and I'm back on the prohibition wagon. Now I'm counting down each second of each day until freedom. By no means do I think that everything will be perfect once we're there. I'll miss my friends, and the accessibility of everything in the city. But fresh air, clear blue skies and a house of our own sounds pretty damn appealing right now. And after last year there was no way I was enduring another northeast winter. No. friggin. way.

The plan is that I'll move out this weekend, stay in philly until the weekend of the 16th, trek down to Baltimore to stay with friends for a week then fly to Greenville on the 21st and hang out until Chris gets there on September 2nd. Of course, like everything else in my life, that is subject to change daily. I didn't want to stay in Philly with Chris for all of August because a) China town smells awful, b) he lives with 5 strangers and c) he doesn't have cable. So yes, my entire travel plans are basically built around wanting to sit on a couch and watch television for hours (without smelling hot fish). But I can't wait for us to finally be playing house together. I think our laid-back personalities (and seperate bathrooms) will make it a relatively painless transition. And conveniently, there is a shed out back for when he misbehaves.

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