Friday, May 7, 2010

Radio silence

It's been a week since I posted last and I know you've been wandering around lost and helpless without this blog as your beacon. I do apologize but honestly, I just haven't had anything new to say. But since I know you're desperate for a new blog post, I will concede. Plus, if I go too long without writing, this will become one of the 10 other blogs I've started then unceremoniously abandoned. You might say I have some commitment issues. Thus, I'm determined to make this one stick.

So here we go...

Life updates:

I'm still not drinking beer. It's been almost a month and no one is more surprised than me that I've made it this far. Well maybe this lil guy is.
funny animated gif
I'm still using the lose-it app to track my calories. However my cell phone died this weekend and without my moral compass I had a junk food relapse. I don't care if you're Richard Simmons, you don't turn down a homemade milk shake. Okay 3.

Once I get back to New York City I think I'll be back on track.

Oh also, Jill is back. She returned to our lives casually as if no time had passed by sending a mass email linking to one of Tyra Banks' countless moments of lunacy.

She followed this up with a text message inquiring about our trip timeline. Yes, OUR trip timeline. So apparently she's still going. I'm glad to know she wasn't made into pâté by her cats. However, she is now on probation. Any further disappearances would make her subject to dismissal from any and all life plans. This would make the trip substantially less interesting so I will be stalking the bejesus out of her. I do these things for you, beloved reader.
Well that's about it for me. I'll be sure to keep you posted on the nugatory* details of our quest out west.

*I would be nothing without

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