Sunday, June 27, 2010

California we have a problem

For a month or so at least.

And it's all because of a baby tooth. One of my baby teeth doesn't have an adult tooth underneath it. I had the same problem on another tooth and had to have it removed and an implant inserted. I won't go into the nausea-inducing details but it's an expensive process that takes a few months. i knew that I'd have to get it done eventually but was planning to hold off for as long as possible since it's so expensive. But when I went to the dentist last week he told me the tooth had to come out.


And that my insurance would cover a significant portion of the costs.


Apparently the reason insurance didn't cover it for the other tooth was because I had different insurance when I initially had the tooth removed. Obviously I'm going to get it done if insurance covers it. Unfortunately that means I'll have to stick around for a couple more months until the process is complete. So as I'd feared, insurance is holding me hostage at my job. Curses! That also means I need to start looking for a new apartment as my lease is up in a month. It's disapointing but I'm not that upset about it. I'll be able to save more money and have a shiny new tooth.

The procedure is scheduled for tomorrow and then I have to wait for it to heal before they can screw the new tooth on. I'll have more details on how long it'll be tomorrow. Hopefully not too long. I really can't fathom spending another winter in the east coast. Last winter was B-R-U-T-A-L.

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