Tuesday, June 1, 2010

To Do

This weekend I realized just how close this huge life-altering journey is and how much we still need to get done. Thus, I'm making a to-do list. In no particular order...

  • Quit job
  • Plan drive across country, including stop at Mom's house.
  • Get road trip supplies - tents, sleeping bags etc.
  • Throw huge, amazing going away party for self
  • Give away stuff to Salvation Army
  • Fly to LA to look at potential apartments
  • Secure sublet in Los Angeles
  • Turn 27
  • Save 2000 more dollars
  • Pack bar minimum of belongings for drive to California
  • Pack up everything else and store at Chris' parents' house to be shipped later
  • Find a doctor
  • Get a physical
  • Lose 8 lbs
  • Buy bathing suit that won't frighten children
  • Drink much less
  • Cancel gym membership
  • Look for freelance jobs
  • Network with LA contacts
  • Get a bike

Yikes. Better get started....tomorrow.

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