Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Here's to you, Rue

Some days, the Notes from the Universe really strike a chord with me. Today was one of those days:

Insecurity, Zina, is the greatest social piranha in the pool of human existence. Yet discovering that no matter what anyone else thinks, you can still choose your own thoughts, manifest your own things, and live happily ever after is like wearing underwater, titanium body armor in your favorite color, with built-in rabbit ear slippers and a giant hoodie.
The Universe

We all get insecure sometimes. We care too much about what others think. We second guess ourselves. But it really is a waste of energy. Whenever I'm having a moment of insecurity, I think about old people. I'm sure they were all insecure once. But now they're older and wiser and clearly don't give a hoot what anyone thinks. They will walk around wearing only a tablecloth, tell you exactly what they think of you and take their sweet time getting off the elevator with no regard for anyone else. Granted some of it is physical limitations (and sometimes, dementia). But a lot of it is just an indifference to other peoples' opinions. Screw you, I'm 98, I'll do what I want. It's something I've always admired and something I am continually trying to cultivate. Other people's opinions, beliefs, insults, prejudices do not matter. Be comfortable with yourself and nothing can stop you.

And rest in peace, Rue. You remain an inspiration.

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