Thursday, April 29, 2010

Have you seen me?

Have you seen this woman? After two weeks of unanswered texts, e-mails, phone calls and gchats, I have grown slightly concerned. Typically this would not be cause for alarm as she disapears more than an agoraphobic cicada. But since she's part of the whole move-across-the-country plan, it's become an issue.

So, without Jill in the mix, perhaps Chris and I should just move to Costa Rica for an undetermined amount of time? Universal healthcare, beautiful beaches, friendly people, and we could live like (thrifty) kings for a year on the money we have saved up. Also, I wouldn't have to share a country with these idiots*:

*if this offends you, stop reading my blog immediately.

It's something to consider. But I'm getting ahead of myself. If anyone sees the human pictured up top stumbling around south Philadelphia, please instruct her to contact myself or Christopher asap. Our future plans depend on it.

And if anyone sees Rico, the blowup doll pictured up top, please tell him he's been replaced.

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