Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So long for now old friend

When I was in my early 20's I could eat Doritos for breakfast, drink an entire case of beer in a day and finish the night with a medium Domino's pepperoni pizza and never gain weight or get hungover. I didn't exercise. I didn't watch my weight. I had the metabolism of a rabid chipmunk.

Alas, it has caught up to me. After a night of drinking, I now pound a bottle of water and a couple Advil in a desperate attempt to stave off a hangover. And that midnight "snack" of 2 slices of pizza seems to immediately deposit itself on my hips.

As the trip to California (and the bikini weather that comes with it) gets closer and my weight continues to increase, I've finally accepted that I am no longer 22. It's time to change my eating/drinking habits.

So, as of today I am giving up beer for a month. Beer, my 6th food group. My refuge after a hard day of work. My go-to beverage on a warm spring afternoon. It won't be easy, but being able to wear a two-piece in LA without frightening small sea creatures will make it all worth it.

But I didn't say anything about vodka.


  1. haha, wow this is ambitious...good luck! Just to be clear, this is only for the month of April right? I will plan my visit accordingly...

  2. I'll b drinking myself into a coma on May 19, 2010.
