Monday, April 26, 2010

So long for now old friend: UPDATE

It's been a week since I woke up hungover and bloated and decided to make a change. No beer for a month. The first week was hard. There was free beers at work, farewell happy hours, and my ever compulsive need to drink when it's warm out. But I resisted. And by the time the weekend rolled around, it was like second nature to just say no. My brain began to form negative associations with beer:

Beer = extra calories = fat = unflattering beachwear

Now I can't say that I've been completely alcohol free. I did have a glass of red wine (which I hate) at dinner. And a half a cup of cranberry vodka on Saturday night. But other than that, I've been a walking Prohibition. And I'm already feeling the effects. On Sunday I woke up hangover-free for the first time in months. I feel less bloated, less sluggish, my liver and I are on speaking terms again, I know where all my credit cards are, my room is clean. It's great. I have a feeling that this week won't be hard either. It's supposed to be cold and rainy: the kind of weather that even my intense alcohol cravings could never compete with. As soon as I leave work I want to be immediately in bed, dry and warm, and eating my weight in Mexican food.

Chris has also been doing well. I was more of an 8-beers-at-happy-hour type whereas he was the type to have a beer with every meal. I'd imagine it's even tougher for him. But so far, so good.
Let's just hope we don't lose so much weight that we get a Buddy Love situation.**

**Neither of us are anywhere morbid obesity nor do we (hopefully) have the potential to become spandex jumpsuited douchebags , however this was the only analogy that my Monday-addled brain could come up with. But seriously, how ridiculous were 90s movies? I've seen this terrible movie a minimum of 20 times. I bet Eddie is so mad the 90s are over.

1 comment:

  1. The Nutty Professor was my favorite movie up until 2005. This is documented in both my 8th grade and high school yearbooks.
