Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quiero estar en Costa Rica

Unless Chris gets the job he's currently applying for, we are planning to live in Costa Rica for a few weeks in August. I've always wanted to go there. I've heard the country is beautiful, the people are friendly and you can eat well for 2 bucks a day. Chris found a program in Puerto Jiminez, a quiet beach town, where we can volunteer in a local garden and the adjoining gift shop. We'd have access to a a swimming beach, free housing and a nearby jungle. I love animals and thus was thrilled to read we'd see various types of monkeys, ant-eaters, tropical birds, sloths, weasels and possibly even jaguars. The one animal that I was not excited to see on the list (and even less excited to see pictured on the website) was the giant cockroach. The adventure almost ended before it even began when I scrolled down and saw that horrifying image. But, this is a new year and a new me. I must face my fears and embrace all the wonderful and terrifying aspects that come with an adventure. But if one of those EVER touches me, I can not be held responsible for my actions.

Giant cockroach unpictured. You're welcome.

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