Monday, April 19, 2010

It all started with an itch

I'm restless by nature and I've always had this itch for adventure. Over the last year this itch has become stronger and stronger. And it's not something that medicated cream will help.

As much as I love New York City, I'm ready for a change. I need a break from the east coast winter and the go go go mentality. I'm ready to move across the country to the land of sunshine and fake body parts: Los Angeles, California.

My significant other, Chris, and I have spent the last year saving money and making vague plans. But now it's down to the wire.

My lease is up on August 1st. After that it's time to stop talking and start walking (rather, driving). Dates are subject to change b/c of job possibilities and living abroad possibilities. But we will be in the west by the time the autumn chill begins to settle on the east coast.

Check back here for the triumphs and the heartbreaks and all the drinking in between.

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