Monday, April 26, 2010

4/23 Weekend Recap

I thought I'd update you on the happenings of this weekend so you can feel better about how exciting your life is. Let's start from the top.

I told my boss (who is awesome) that I'd be working from home on Friday. So, Thursday night I took the bus in to Philly. Chris picked me up and we set off for his parents' house in the country.

We arrived late, and immediately passed out. I arose the next morning, ready to tackle the work day. I booted up my computer while these (barely) functional alcoholics chattered in the background about frozen wine:

(If you've never watched, take a sick day tomorrow. You won't regret it)

I connected to his parents' wifi and seconds later my computer responded with this:

A virus that opened inappropriate websites and prompted me to purchase anti-virus software? Not good, especially considering it was my work laptop. So, that was the end of work for the day. I checked e-mail every few hours on my phone but there was nothing pressing.

I spent the rest of the day bonding with the local wildlife:

And avoiding this:


Chris spent the day building things

He was really in his element. He even took pictures of the finished products and kept scrolling through them adoringly throughout the weekend. At one point, he asked if I wanted to help. We shared a good laugh over that.

As we were getting ready to leave on Saturday night, a neighborhood boy dropped by selling his wares:

GAHHHH! AMISH! Ever since college, I have been terrified of the Amish. They would come to my door selling baked goods and I would hide in the bathroom. (This is where I went to school and met Chris). It's just so jarring to see people who are a part of the world, yet so unchanged by it. But despite the abject terror they inspire in me, I do admire them. To be able to maintain their way of life for so long, without bowing to the influences of modern technology and internet porn. It's truly remarkable. But they still make me uncomfortable. So, I took a deep breath, faced my fears and purchased an oatmeal cream pie. He was polite and smart and it was delicious.

After my heroism, we headed back to Philadelphia so Chris could attend the rollerskating party. I'd considered attending but Jen backed out so I just couldn't do it.

I'll leave it up to him to describe the party but clearly he felt no shame:

The rest of the weekend we spent hanging out with friends and sleeping until it was time for me to return home to this:

All in all a restful, completely unproductive weekend. Just the way I like em. Only one week left in April then the 3 month countdown begins!

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