Monday, April 19, 2010

PhD: Playa hatin' degree

"I feel summer creepin' in and I'm
Tired of this town again" - Tom Petty

Some of my close friends, and some not so close acquaintances have questioned my decision to uproot my life and move across the country. I have friends here, a good (albeit at times excruciating) job, and my family is based here. I'm an east coast girl through and through. People who haven't even been to California tell me how fake it is there, how bad the traffic is, how hard it will be to find a job yadda yadda blah blah. And I begin to wonder, why the discouragement? I understand it from my close friends. I'm awesome and they want me to be near them. I'm also extremely humble.

But when I casually mention it to strangers at the bar or coworkers it seems like some of them will try to do anything to convince me not to do it. Seriously? Why all the hatin'? If someone wants to take an adventure, let them. Just because you have preconceived notions about a place doesn't mean you should impose them on another person. I know so many people who took a chance and moved to New York City with only their savings. Not one of them regrets it. And besides, Debbie Downers, it's not like I'm planning to go skydiving into an erupting volcano. I'm moving. It happens. People do it. If it doesn't work out, I come home, get a job, and go about my life. So please, don't trample my dreams, and I won't trample yours.

We're all gonna die in 2012 anyway.


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