Monday, April 19, 2010

Meet Jill

Every sitcom has the crazy aunt or the rapping cousin or the sassy nephew that they introduce to keep things interesting. Also known as the "Wild card" This is Jill. She's a hard-drinking, loud-talking, poster child of inappropriateness. She'll often wake up in the wee hours of the morning and begin drinking. We'll later find her at the corner bar pounding shots of Southern Comfort. Alone. She is at times frightening, but always hilarious. And while an intervention is imminent, she is generous and loyal to a fault.

She is also planning to move to California with us. Talk about a wild card. She frequently disappears, and for the first couple years of our friendship did not have a functioning cell phone. She is also extremely shady about her whereabouts. Oh, and lives with two cats who she found wandering the streets. The cats were such terrors that she would eat meals locked in her bathroom to avoid them clawing the food from her hands. They've since calmed down, allegedly. So there's a chance she won't show. There's a chance she won't be allowed on the plane. And there's a chance she'll be eaten by her cats. But barring these circumstances, this ball of ridiculousness will be accompanying us on our grand adventure to the West. I'm not a religious woman but it might be time to start praying.

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